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Defining User Privileges


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Defining User Privileges in System Infrastructure Definitions Module User Help Document

User Privileges

In Qdms, there are 3 important menus in the System Infrastructure Definitions module. These menus are Define User Groups, Define Authorization Groups, and Define User Privileges. The better the setup of these three menus in the System Infrastructure Definitions Module in Qdms, the more actively the system works. First, user groups are created in the Definition of User Groups menu in the System Infrastructure Definitions module. The Authorization Groups menu then sets which menus users see on Qdms. Finally, in the User Privileges Definition menu, user groups and authorization groups are mapped so that they can be authorized to see the menu for users in a collective way.

1.System Infrastructure Definitions

1.1. BSAT (Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions)/ Definitions

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/ BSAT/ Definitions

It is the part where the Qdms infrastructure definitions are created in the system. Information required for the use of the QDMS system, such as personnel information, customer information, product information, User groups, Authorization groups and User authorizations, is defined in the system. User Groups

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Definitions/ User Groups Definition

It is the menu where the user groups to be used in the system are defined. User groups; In menu authorization processes, it provides ease of use in using information areas more easily and effectively, grouping personnel with equivalent competencies such as manager / specialist / engineer, grouping users in the same workplace / department, defining module-based user groups and defining flow definitions. A contact can be included in more than one group. In the first setup of the system, the user group defined as "System Administrators" and "Standard Users" comes as defined. QDMS administrators are included in the "System Administrators" group, while all other users are included in the "Standard User" group. You can create a special user group in the Document Module to which you will grant document management related privileges or a user group in the OHS Modules where OHS administrators are the OHS managers. Department-based user groups can be created. For example, it is important that the documents prepared in the Document Management Module are distributed to the right places. Instead of sending a document prepared for the Quality department to individual personnel in the department with 20 people, the user group is defined in the form of sending the reading task in the distribution matrix by creating a user group of the Quality department and the document distribution process is carried out automatically at once. Instead of sending information mails to individual people on any subject, it is ensured that they are automatically sent to the majority at once thanks to the defined user groups. User groups can replicate Qdms usage areas. User Groups in Qdms Modules provide ease of use in an important way in areas of use. In addition, special user groups are defined according to the Modules according to the need.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: A new user group is defined.

: Corrections/changes/updates are made for the user group selected in the list. Code information cannot be changed.

: Duplicated by copying the user group selected in the list. If the contacts in an existing group will be used again with another group name, the group copy operation is performed with the copy button.

: Group rules are created in various categories. (If HR Integration is available)

: The user group selected in the list is deleted.

: Search by filtering records.

: The data is exported to Excel.

: The personnel information within the User Group is exported to Excel.

To add a new User Group to the User Group Definition screen, click ! Clicking the (new) button opens the User Group Definition/ New Registration screen.

The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens:

User Group Code: This is the field where the user group code is defined. This code can contain any letter, number information. The user group code can be defined manually or brought up automatically. Therefore; From the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Parameters menu, "System Infrastructure" is selected as the module from the filter tab and the search operation is performed.

The "user group auto code template" parameter, which is the 113th parameter of the System Infrastructure Definitions parameter, is opened with the "change" button and the desired code information is entered as the parameter value. Ex: Parameter value Bimser The code template is defined for the solution as BC.###.

The 114th parameter "user group auto code counter is also defined as the parameter value from which the code counter is desired to start.

114. Since the parameter value is defined as 0 in the numbered parameter, the user groups to be defined as new will come as BC.001 code template as seen in the screenshot. Other user groups to be defined will automatically come after the code template incremented by 1. In the sequence BC.001, BC.002, BC.003, the user code is automatically defined as the user group.

Description:** This is the field where the name of the user group to be defined is entered.

Group Members:This is the area where the personnel from the user/user group defined in the system that will create the user group to be defined are added.

: The process of adding personnel to the User group to be defined is performed by selecting the personnel in the Personnel List defined in the system.

:The user group to be defined is added to the staff of the user group by selecting the user group in the User Group list defined in the system.

:The user on the inserted line is deleted.

:All added group members are deleted.

Add All Personnel to Group: is the field where All Personnel is added to the User group to be defined if the corresponding check box is checked.

E-Mail: This is the field where the E-mail information about the user group to be defined is entered.

Group members of the user group to be defined(Add) button is added by selecting the personnel to be added in the Personnel list defined in the system.

After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the User Group identification registration process is performed.

(Change) button by clicking the User Identification-Registration Update screen is opened and correction/ change/ update is made for the user group selected in the list. Code information cannot be changed.

For example, the Description field can be changed to the name of the corresponding user group by changing the (Save) button to update the recording.

(Copy Group) button to copy the selected user group in the list. When you want to create a user group with the same group members, the user group is created by typing the name of the new user group in the Copied User group description section.

In the User Group copy operation, the description field is written in the name of the user group by typing the ! The User Group copy operation is performed by clicking the (save) button.

On the user group definition screen, in the upper right corner, click the ! With the (create group rule) button, the rule can be defined to the user group. This rule works when there is an HR Integration. When the integration works, the personnel are transferred to the relevant user group according to the rules created on this screen.

If we go through the example: The rule that the personnel in the departments with the department code 0001, D001 or the personnel with the title 013 are automatically added to this group is defined. In the upper right corner, click ! The Create User Group Rule registration process is performed by clicking the (save) button. After the user group rule registration process is performed, clicking the modify button while the User Group is selected displays the message "There is a rule defined for the user group, the changes you have made to the group members will be canceled when the transfer program runs".

According to the group rule applied when personnel integration occurs, the personnel are transferred to the relevant user groups.

In the option where the rule is specified, if it uses "Similar", a % sign should be placed at the end of the code that comes across. For example, if the rule of 50000498 similarities from positions such as 50000498-01, 50000498-02 is to be set, it should be written as 50000498%. If it is desired to add everyone who is included in the system to the All Users Group, then 0 (zero) should be written and saved in the corresponding field with Equal to Equal from the Category field.

Here the conjunction "and – or", which we call Operator, is very important. And when the conjunction is used; If all of the rules are met, employees are added to the user group. Or, when the conjunction is used, employees are added to the user group if only one of the rules is satisfied.

(Delete) button deletes the user group selected in the list.

Clicking the OK button on the message "Are you sure you want to delete the selected record?" performs user group deletion.

By clicking the Search button, the records are filtered by the User group code and Description fields.

By clicking the Export to Excel button, the selected user group is displayed in excel format. The information about the group code, the description field where the name of the user group is located, and the number of users fields are accessed in the form of a report in Excel format.

(Export group to Excel) button is clicked to export the personnel information in the selected User Group in the list to Excel.

In the report received with the help of the Export Group to Excel button, the information about the Group code, Group Name, Group members registration number, name and surname fields are reached.

1.1.2. Defining Authorization Groups

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Definitions/ Defining Authority Groups

It is the menu that sets which menus users see on the QDMS. Menu authorization is made according to user groups. For example, system administrators are selected as user groups can see each menu, while for standard users, menus are selected only as if they can see which screen of which module under the Integrated Management Systems menu. If the Occupational Safety Risk Assessment Team is also required to construct the OHS Risk Assessment infrastructure on the QDMS, an authorization group called the OHS Risk Assessment Team can be established and all the menus of the OHS Risk Assessment Module under the System Infrastructure definitions and all the OHS Risk Assessment menu authorizations under the Integrated Management System menu can be selected.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: A new authority group is defined.

: Corrections/changes/ updates are made for the authorization group selected in the list.

: The authorization group selected in the list is deleted.

: The data is exported to Excel.

To add a new authorization group to the Authorization Group Definition screen, click (New) button opens the Define Authorization Groups/ New Registration screen.

On the screen that opens, the definition of the authorization group is written in the group name section. On the left side of the image are all the menus on the QDMS, and on the right side, the menus selected with a single arrow are the authorizations to see. The double arrow carries all menu privileges. Menus moved to the right mean the menus that will belong to the authorization group. Then the registration process is performed.

To define an authorization group for system administrators, it is enough to click the double arrow button and transfer all the privileges to the right side of the screen. For other module authorizations; It is sufficient to mark the menu authorizations that the relevant user group can see and transfer them to the right side of the screen with a single arrow button. When marking for delegation of authority, care should be taken to ensure that the main headings are also marked.

If there are menu authorizations to be withdrawn from the authorizations of the user groups, the authorizations to be withdrawn by performing the reverse operation are marked on the right side of the screen and the authorizations are withdrawn with the single arrow button in the 3rd place in the middle. After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the Defining Authorization Groups registration process is performed.

1.1.3. Defining User Authorizations

Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Definitions/ Defining User Privileges

It is the menu where user groups and authorization groups match. If you want the created user groups to have the privileges specified in the authorization group definition menu, the authorization group must be associated with the relevant user group. Thus, the authorization to see the menu for users in a collective way is made.

With the help of the buttons on the screen;

: A new user authorization is defined.

: The user authorization mapping selected in the list is deleted.

: The data is exported to Excel.

To make a new user authorization match on the User Authorization Definition screen, click (New) button opens the User Authorization Definition/ New Registration screen.

User Group is selected from the list of user groups defined in the system from the User group field.

In the Authorization Group field, the relevant authorization group is selected from the authorization groups defined in the system.

On the screen that opens, user groups and authorization groups are matched to determine which user group will have which authority. Once the required fields are selected, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the User Authorization Identification registration process is performed.

After the user group and authorization groups are matched, the group members are logged in with the username and password from the Qdms main login page and displayed that they have the authority to see the given menu in the Document Management Module in the example.